The Rectification of Nephrotic Syndrome with Ayurvedic Treatment

Fundamentals of Nephrotic syndrome

When varied signs and symptoms of kidney diseases come together, the doctors refer to this collection as Nephrotic syndrome. It is not a disease in particular but the syndrome. Any syndrome is a cluster of signs or a result of any medical condition. There would be a number of underlying causes that need to be treated specifically. The condition of Nephrotic syndrome can be seen in anyone but is more likely to be seen in children. Children in their aged 18 months to 4 years are at the high risk of Nephrotic syndrome and on gender determinant; boys are likely to get affected more than girls. If Nephrotic syndrome stays for a longer period than it can turn severe and if left untreated it can even become a threat to life. The seriousness of the disease totally depends upon the underlying reasons.

Some of the symptoms that people notice while suffering from the Nephrotic syndrome are abnormal excretion of protein, alleviated protein in the blood, and edema. Along with this, there could be the presence of high blood pressure, blood clots (thrombotic events),and a high amount of the lipids in the blood. The reason behind the occurrence of Nephrotic syndrome is said to be due to the damage caused to the kidneys due to drugs, some systemic disorders, and diseases that can directly damage the Nephrons. However, in children, it is generally caused due to minimal change disease.

When it comes to the treatment of the condition, Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment suggests the need to manage the underlying reasons like hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, prevention of protein loss, etc. Moreover bringing some changes in the diet and lifestyle would also be very helpful.

Is Nephrotic syndrome and nephritic syndrome the same?

No, both of these are two very different conditions, when one is the cluster of diseases; the other is the kidney disorder that makes kidneys inflamed. While diagnosing the condition, Nephrotic syndrome is often confused with nephritic syndrome. But the lab tests show some apparent differences between these two conditions. The characterization of the nephritic syndrome is done by blood in the urine and inflammation while the characterization of Nephrotic syndrome is done by protein in the urine. Among both the condition, Nephrotic syndrome is said to be more fatal as per the underlying causes of the issue. Both the condition requires medical assistance. Ayurveda has a solution to all the conditions. The Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment helps in the betterment of the issue. On the other hand, Ayurveda can also help in the alleviation of inflammation and Hematuria.

Protein in urine during Nephrotic syndrome

A healthy kidney of the human is made up of small groups of capillaries that help in the filtration of the blood. These capillaries are known as glomeruli. The glomeruli and the small tubes present nearby that assist the waste removal are termed as to be the tubule. These tubules when come together form a structure which is known as Nephrons. So, the glomerulus lies in the Nephrons that helps in kidneys in the process of blood filtration. While performing filtration, useful products like phosphorus, potassium, and protein are kept in the blood and the unwanted products are carried out to the tubule which is later passed to the ureter, and eventually, the waste is thrown out through urine. When the damage comes in the tubule or the glomerulus or both, then the filtration system starts malfunctioning. This makes the unwanted product to accumulate within the body and useful things like proteins and minerals to lose. Therefore, the disorders of glomerulus that result in the occurrence of Nephrotic syndrome lose their capability to store protein within and hence proteinuria occurs. When the glomeruli are healthy then less than 400 mg of protein is passed through urine but unhealthy glomeruli lose more than 3 grams of protein. The range of the protein loss during proteinuria is said to be 3 to 3.5 or grams in 24 hours. However, the condition of the proteinuria along with Nephrotic syndrome is taken care of by Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment.

How Ayurveda can help?

Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is one of the most effective treatments for the issue that works best. With the help of the herbs and some alterations, the issue can be eliminated permanently. The human body comprises three bodily doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and any vitiation in these doshas result in the unhealthy condition of humans, says Ayurveda. In the case of Nephrotic syndrome, the vitiation is said to happen in Pitta dosha. Hence, the aim of the herbal medicine in Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is to pacify this vitiation and attain optimal health. There is a number of herbs that helps in the betterment of the condition in such time with the help of their therapeutic ability such as Devdaru, Haldi, Giloy, Shunthi, Piplamool, Kutki, Nagarmutha, Gokshura, Chitrak, and Chirayata. Before the conduction of any treatment in Ayurveda, the whole body along with the Prakriti is analyzed and later the herbal medicines are prescribed accordingly.

Along with the herbs, there are some alterations that should be made in the diet.

  • A right amount of protein consumption is necessary.
  • One should put limitations on the consumption of sodium.
  • Do not use saturated fats.
  • Make use of unsaturated fats.
  • Take care of the fluid intake.
  • Increase the consumption of food items rich in soluble fiber and vitamins.


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