Can Ayurveda cure Nephrotic syndrome completely?

Nephrotic Syndrome isn't a disease in itself. The diseases that occur due to damage in the glomeruli- the filtering part in the kidneys cause this syndrome to take place. This syndrome mainly consists of edema (swelling in different body parts), proteinuria (excess protein leakage in urine) and hypoalbuminemia.

This disease may affect all age groups of people but mainly it affects children and adults. Allopathy can’t cure the condition permanently but Ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome can do the job for you. If the disease is not cured timely and properly, it may lead to complete damage to the kidneys and eventually, kidney failure may take place.

What signs take place in Nephrotic Syndrome?

Similar to other kidney diseases, in this kidney disease, many symptoms may also be seen in the patients. The common symptoms related to Nephrotic Syndrome are as follow:-

  • Back pain
  • Swelling in different body parts
  • Puffiness on the face and eye-around area
  • Unusual weight gain
  • Loss of hunger or appetite
  • Feeling tiredness all the time

When you get to notice these symptoms, rush to your nearest expert doctor as soon as possible. Only an expert doctor can detect as well as cure the condition.

Based on your body symptoms, a nephrologist may suggest you go through some lab tests like Urine tests, Blood tests, Screening Tests, and Biopsy. These tests provide the values of the substances related to kidney functionality and health. Based on the reports of these tests, your doctor decides what treatment would be suitable for you.

Which factors cause Nephrotic Syndrome to take place?

Several factors, mainly health complications can be responsible for the occurrence of this syndrome. Some primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome are as below:-

  • Minimal change disease
  • Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
  • Amyloidosis
  • Membranous nephropathy

Apart from these primary causes, many other factors are also where that not only affect the kidneys but the other sections of the body as well. In this category, Diabetic Nephropathy and Preeclampsia are the main causes.

Who are at the risk of Nephrotic Syndrome?

Though any person can get Nephrotic Syndrome it is more common in men as compared to women. In children, this syndrome often takes place between the age of 2 to 6 years. Some other factors may also increase the risk of Nephrotic Syndrome; diabetes, high blood pressure, intake of NSAIDS or antibiotics, severe infections like HIV, hepatitis B are to name a few.

To tackle or prevent Nephrotic Syndrome condition, all you can do is follow a healthy life routine. It will lessen the risk of Nephrotic Syndrome.

What treatment Nephrotic Syndrome patients require?

Nephrotic syndrome is the condition of kidney filter damage that needs to be reversed for a permanent cure for this health condition. In other words, a nephrologist needs to reverse the damage of glomeruli along with relieving the complications. This is how the condition of Nephrotic Syndrome can be cured. Ayurvedic treatment does the same job for you. On one hand, it relieves the complications of Nephrotic Syndrome and simultaneously, it fixes the deep causes. On the other hand, this holistic treatment method also repairs the damaged section of the kidneys and makes them healthy again.

Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome is a combination of sacred herbs and some conventional therapies that work as a wonder in this kidney condition. Along with that, it also suggests a patient follow a personalized diet and make some lifestyle modifications that can aid in the treatment procedure. With such kind of natural practices, Ayurvedic treatment can cure your Nephrotic Syndrome condition efficiently. The most salient characteristic of this treatment is that it is free from any risk and hazard so it is completely safe. In a nutshell, by choosing Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome, you will get relieved from complications associated with it without facing any health hazards. While Allopathic treatment uses dialysis and kidney transplant that does not help in curing this kidney disorder.

Thus, choose Ayurvedic treatment and cure your Nephrotic Syndrome disease naturally.


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