A guide on treating Nephrotic syndrome naturally!
Nephrotic syndrome is a symptom or a group of symptoms that slows down the functionality of a healthy kidney. The disease is caused by damage to the clusters of blood vessels in the kidney, thereby reducing its filtration capacity. Patients observing signs like excess protein in the urine, swelling in the body parts, frequent need to pee at night, and change in the color of the urine need Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine to cure the disease. A nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that usually occur due to the damage to the clusters of small blood vessels present in the kidney. The destruction reduces the ability of the kidney to filter out noxious substance from the body. In return, results in the spilling of extra protein from the body, and the situation is called proteinuria. The condition is more pervasive in adults and children, making them prone to kidney failure if not cured timely. The treatment includes working on the underlying causes of the syndrome and taking me...