
Showing posts from September, 2020

A guide on treating Nephrotic syndrome naturally!

Nephrotic syndrome is a symptom or a group of symptoms that slows down the functionality of a healthy kidney. The disease is caused by damage to the clusters of blood vessels in the kidney, thereby reducing its filtration capacity. Patients observing signs like excess protein in the urine, swelling in the body parts, frequent need to pee at night, and change in the color of the urine need Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine to cure the disease. A nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that usually occur due to the damage to the clusters of small blood vessels present in the kidney. The destruction reduces the ability of the kidney to filter out noxious substance from the body. In return, results in the spilling of extra protein from the body, and the situation is called proteinuria. The condition is more pervasive in adults and children, making them prone to kidney failure if not cured timely. The treatment includes working on the underlying causes of the syndrome and taking me...

Which is the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic Syndrome isn't a particular disease but a group of complications that mainly occur in patients with certain kidney problems. Kidney problems in which Glomeruli (kidneys’ filtering section) become damaged are the reasons behind Nephrotic Syndrome. Primarily, high protein loss in urine is the main complication that occurs in this problem. Besides, high protein loss in urine, low albumin in the blood, and swelling in hands, feet, or some other body parts are the complications that appear in Nephrotic Syndrome. The natural way of healing can make your kidneys healthy and well-working again. Nephrotic Syndrome may further progress to kidney failure if a patient fails in detecting this kidney problem timely. Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic Medicine and Treatment Generally, this kidney problem can affect all age groups of people, but children between the ages of 2-5 years are more likely to develop this problem. The natural treatment ways can prove to be more effective than reg...

Can Ayurveda cure Nephrotic syndrome completely?

Nephrotic Syndrome isn't a disease in itself. The diseases that occur due to damage in the glomeruli- the filtering part in the kidneys cause this syndrome to take place. This syndrome mainly consists of edema (swelling in different body parts), proteinuria (excess protein leakage in urine) and hypoalbuminemia. This disease may affect all age groups of people but mainly it affects children and adults. Allopathy can’t cure the condition permanently but Ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome can do the job for you. If the disease is not cured timely and properly, it may lead to complete damage to the kidneys and eventually, kidney failure may take place. What signs take place in Nephrotic Syndrome? Similar to other kidney diseases, in this kidney disease, many symptoms may also be seen in the patients. The common symptoms related to Nephrotic Syndrome are as follow:- Back pain Swelling in different body parts Puffiness on the face and eye-around area Unusual w...

Why should one go for Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment?

Nephrotic Syndrome is a group of health problems that arise because of damage in the tiny filtering unit called the glomeruli. As the name signifies, the kidneys’ filtering part helps them do all their filtration tasks efficiently. Kidneys find themselves incapable of performing all their filtering-based functions in the case of kidney filter deterioration. Primarily, kidneys separate all impurities and unnecessary stuff from blood and expel them out of your body with urine. Additionally, this kidney section holds the necessary substances in your blood and doesn’t let me leak out from the blood. Whenever these tiny filters get deteriorated due to any reason, even the necessary body substances leak out from the blood. As a result, the level of wastes as well as essential materials gets disturbed. The condition may get worse as time passes. In such cases, one should choose a specific healing science that helps to reverse this problem. The irregular remedial process, such as Nephrotic S...

The Rectification of Nephrotic Syndrome with Ayurvedic Treatment

Fundamentals of Nephrotic syndrome When varied signs and symptoms of kidney diseases come together, the doctors refer to this collection as Nephrotic syndrome. It is not a disease in particular but the syndrome. Any syndrome is a cluster of signs or a result of any medical condition. There would be a number of underlying causes that need to be treated specifically. The condition of Nephrotic syndrome can be seen in anyone but is more likely to be seen in children. Children in their aged 18 months to 4 years are at the high risk of Nephrotic syndrome and on gender determinant; boys are likely to get affected more than girls. If Nephrotic syndrome stays for a longer period than it can turn severe and if left untreated it can even become a threat to life. The seriousness of the disease totally depends upon the underlying reasons. Some of the symptoms that people notice while suffering from the Nephrotic syndrome are abnormal excretion of protein, alleviated protein in the blood, and e...

What food should be avoided during nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease in which the body began to lose an absurd amount of protein from the body. This protein can be found in the urine. There is a group of tiny blood vessels present inside the kidneys that help in the filtration of waste from the body along with the excess amount of water. When there comes any damage to these blood vessels then it results in a condition like nephrotic syndrome. Some of the very common signs of damage during nephrotic syndrome are swelling of feet and ankles. This condition results in an elevated risk of other health problems. There are high chances of developing infections and clots of the blood. As far as the treatment of the condition is concerned, it can be done with the help of Ayurvedic medicine for the nephrotic syndrome that focus on the elimination of root causes which results in a worrisome condition like this. The Ayurvedic nephrologists would suggest you with some of the changes in the diet that would help you in the pre...