Ayurveda Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome Cure

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney-related disorder that may allow the body to pass excess protein into the urine. It is usually caused by damage to the small capillaries in your kidneys that filter waste and fluid from the blood. Nephrotic syndrome causes protein loss and swelling because of the albumin protein that skips the filter. This protein is essentially helpful in various terms, such as in the prevention of fluid retention, high blood pressure, and the risk of other health problems.

Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of conditions along with protein loss, such as:

  1. Albuminuria: More albumin levels in the urine.
  2. Hypoalbuminia: Low albumin levels in the blood.
  3. Hyperlipidemia: Abnormal fat and cholesterol levels in the blood.
  4. Edema: Fluid retention causing swelling in the legs, ankles, etc.

Albumin absorbs excess fluid from the body into the bloodstream, where it remains until the kidneys produce urine from the fluid. Albumin loss pulls out the body’s ability to sponge extra fluid from the body, causing edema. It can be life-threatening.

How does nephrotic syndrome occur?

Nephrotic syndrome results because of the deviations in the working of the kidney’s filters. As the blood passes through the glomeruli, protein molecules are retained in the filters. But if glomeruli are damaged, tubules may recapture smaller proteins and send them back into the blood. In nephrotic syndrome, damaged glomeruli may allow approximately 3 gms of protein to leak into the urine, which is 20 times more than allowed by healthy glomeruli.

What are the causes of nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is caused because of damage to the clusters of the small blood vessels. Such conditions that may cause nephrotic syndrome include:

  • Diabetic kidney disease. Diabetes alters kidney function and damages the glomeruli within the kidneys. It is the leading cause of kidney damage after high blood pressure.
  • Minimal change disease. It is the most common cause of Nephrotic syndrome resulting in abnormal kidney function. During MCD, the kidney tissue may look normal under a microscpe, but otherwise, they are not functioning well. The cause is still not figured out for why MCD occurs.
  • Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. It results in the scarring of the kidney tissue in some parts of the glomeruli. Causes may include a genetic defect or medications or chronic illness or occur for no reason.
  • Membranous nephropathy. It may result from the thickening of the membranes within the glomeruli. The possible cause of membranous therapy is the deposits made by the immune system. Autoimmune disorders and other medical conditions such as lupus, hepatitis B, cancer are some common causes.
  • Amyloidosis. It occurs when amyloid proteins may start to build up in the organs. Often it damages glomeruli or tubules within the kidneys.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus. This chronic inflammatory disease can lead to serious alterations in the kidney’s filtration capacity.


Loss of albumin in the urine may result in multiple complications within the body, which may include:

  1. Blood clots. Albumin also prevents blood from clotting within, and this is how albumin loss increases your risk of having blood clots in the veins.
  2. High blood pressure. High blood pressure is yet another complication of nephrotic syndrome. With compromised kidney function, the excess fluid build-up can raise blood pressure.
  3. Poor nutrition. Too much protein loss can also lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition may also result in anemia (too few RBCs) and low vitamin D levels.
  4. High blood cholesterol and blood triglycerides. When the protein level drops, the liver starts with its work to produce more albumin. Along with this, the liver also produces more cholesterol and triglycerides.
  5. Acute kidney injury. It refers to the sudden failure of the kidneys. If your kidneys lose their ability to function well, damage may result in waste buildup, which can be life-threatening.
  6. Chronic kidney disease. Untreated nephrotic syndrome may also progress to chronic kidney disease. If the kidney function is not stabilized or prevented at the right time, it may also result in chronic kidney failure for which you may need dialysis.

What are the signs to know if you have a nephrotic syndrome?

The signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome may include:

  • Severe swelling, such as around the eyes, ankles, and feet
  • Foamy urine as protein accompanies the urine
  • Weight gain due to fluid retention
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite

Nephrotic syndrome treatment with the help of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the only viable treatment to rectify the damage done to the kidneys. This treatment approach is solely based on ayurvedic herbs and spices meant to have a therapeutic effect on the organs. Each herb is powerful enough to clear the obstruction in the channels of the kidneys, the main reason why glomeruli and tubules do not work properly. Another concern to opt for Ayurveda medicine for nephrotic syndrome cure is that it reduces the risk of chronic and acute kidney failure in the future and eliminate the need for dialysis of chance.


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